The Rotary District 6840 Foundation is a 501c3 Foundation created to provide grants for relief efforts as determined by the District Governor and the Rotary District 6840 Foundation Board of Directors.
The Board is comprised of Past District Governors of D6840, each serving a staggered five year term and elected by the D6840 College of Governors.  Financials for the Foundation are reviewed at each of the three annual College of Governor meetings (August, January, and May).  In 2020-2021, the members are:
Chair, Ace Necaise, DG 2009-2010
Treasurer: Brian Hall, DG 2014-2015
Don Bryan, DG 2011-2012 and 2018-2019
Barbara Mauldin, DG 2013-2014
Greg Lier, DG 2008-2009
In the event the District Governor requests that the District 6840 Foundation Disaster Response be activated, donations can be made via the on-line portal on this site (see LINKS in the left column) 
OR as checks made out to the District 6840 Foundation and mailed c/o PDG Neil Alford (address below).
If the donation is intended excluively for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE (e.g. Hurrcane Harvey or Tornado in Columbia), please make that annotation.
Donations to the District 6840 Foundations may be made to:
Rotary District 6840 Foundation
c/o PDG Brian Hall
500 Belle Pointe Loop
Madisonville, LA 70447
The Foundation, at its discretion, can send the monies collected either to the appropriate district or The Rotary Foundation, assuming it has established a fund designated for the purpose.
Donation funds that are designated for specific disaster relief will be used solely for that purpose. Any remaining specified funds will not be distributed to any other entity without permission of the donor. 
The Rotary District 6840 Foundation reserves the right to proceed in any other way it deems most effective for the monies donated.