What does the Scholarship Cover?

1. You must be either a high school sophomore, junior, or THIRD YEAR senior at the time you apply. Students that have attended the RYLA program in the summer before their senior year are also eligible to apply.
2. You cannot be over the age of 18 years, 6 months old on August 15, 2025.
3. You understand that, even though the scholarship requires that you attend high school in your host country, Rotary is not responsible for ensuring or facilitating the transfer of academic credit
4. You must complete all sections of the Rotary Youth Exchange Application Form by Saturday, November 23, 2024 deadline
5. You understand that the scholarships available are for specific countries as determined by the District 6840 Youth Exchange Committee
6. You understand that the scholarship is contingent upon your willingness to be a Goodwill Ambassador for Rotary and represent Rotary and Rotary District 6840
7. You understand that at any point in the course of the application process and the term of the scholarship, the offer can be rescinded if you do not comply with the program regulations either before you leave or once you arrive in-country
8. You agree to abide by the cultural and legal norms of the host family, host community, host Rotary Youth Exchange Program, and host country
9. You agree to meet all payment deadlines including the application fee as outlined below
10. You assist in training your family and friends that you will be in cultural immersion and thus will limit your contact with home family, friends and culture during the term of the scholarship

- Room and Board for 10-12 months
- Monthly stipend for 10-12 months
- Local school tuition
- Full immersion in local culture and language
- Participation as a full member of a local family
- Access to the resources and contacts of local Rotarians and Rotary Clubs
- Participation in community service on a global scale
- Relationships based on being part of a family and not a tourist
- Friendships with other scholarship recipients from around the world
- Opportunities for in-depth cultural engagement
- Personal growth and self-reliance
- Cultivation of a truly global worldview
- Language skills honed through daily practice and school performance
- Unique experience and competitive edge in the college application process
- ***determined by the actual cost to the hosts of the year itself, the savings to the natural family in terms of car and health insurance, daily costs and groceries while the student is away, plus college scholarships awarded as a direct result of the student's unique skill set, language abilities, maturity, and worldview gained while abroad***
$50 due at the time of application (non-refundable)
TOTAL FEES = $6500
$1500 due on December 7, 2024, at the time of the District Interview (refunded if not awarded a scholarship)
$1500 due on January 12, 2025
$1500 due on February 8, 2025
$1000 due on March 15, 2025 (should the scholarship be rescinded or a student decides not to participate, up to this date, 75% of monies paid will be refunded)
$1000 due on April 11, 2025 (should the scholarship be rescinded or a student decides not to participate on or after this date, 50% of monies paid will be refunded)
District 6840 Rotary Youth Exchange will:
- secure all necessary medical insurance
- provide round trip airfare and travel insurance
- provide monthly training for scholarship recipients (plus 2 sessions that include parents)
- provide one-week intensive ("Outbound") training plus round-trip transportation in June 2025
- provide 2-day "Reverse Culture Shock" ("Rebound") training in plus round-trip transportation in August 2025
- refund in August 2025 $500 to each scholarship recipient who successfully completes all training and succeeds as a Rotary Goodwill Ambassador
- continue to provide opportunities to engage with Rotary beyond the scholarship year
- US Passport
- All fees and costs of obtaining the requisite student visa
- Daily spending in excess of monthly stipend
- Rotary-sanctioned in-country travel in accordance with host Rotary Youth Exchange guidelines