District 6840 Clubs engage in international projects that do not always fall under the categories of Rotary Foundation District Grants or Global Grants. This website page attempts to capture some of those.
The Food Plant Solutions Rotarian Action Group is selling 2016 Tasmanian-themed calendars to support its worldwide mission of solving world hunger. The RAG has an inventive approach to the world hunger problem by using food plants that adapt well to certain soil and climate conditions. Please download the flyer to the left of your screen.

The U. S. - Russia Intercountry Committee (ICC) sponsored a tour of European Russia May 8-24, 2015. The president of the ICC, PDG Judy Byron from Vancouver Island, Canada, was one of the participants as was your District International Service Director, Ken Thompson. Ken, Judy, Carmen Cuneo (Houston, Texas), and Charles Heberle, III (Washington State) spoke to an ICC meeting in Houston on their visit to Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other Russian locations to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Rotary's presence in Russia. The photo above is from a Russian delegation visiting Louisiana in 2005.

The Rotary Club of Slidell is seeking support from other clubs for a non-profit organization in Uganda called Hope of the Generation Uganda (bottom photo below). A Peace Corps volunteer, Erin Lawless, founded the 501(c)3 in 2005 to provide education and life skills for HIV/AIDS orphans. Erin's work came to our attention from a fellow Peace Corps volunteer, Michelle Joffe, who is a Slidell, Lousiana native, and received donations from the Rotary Clubs of Slidell, Northlake-Mandeville, and Slidell Northshore supporting her work in a Ugandan orphanage. More details and photos can be downloaded from this page on the left column of the screen; also a link to the HOGU website.
For the past 17 years, Rotarians from clubs in California and Arizona have taken a bus into Mexico to immunize Mexican children against polio in rural areas near Caborca, Mexico. The local Rotary club, Club Rotario de Caborca, sponsors the trip. Caborca is about 150 miles south of Gila Bend, Arizona. For the third year, International Service Director Ken Thompson will be joining them on February, 2016. PDG Rich Churchman, End Polio Now Zone 31 Coordinator from District 6200, will also join the group. Ken's daughter, Kathryn Thompson, participated last year. Kathryn is shown below immunizing a child last year in El Desemboque, a small fishing village on the west coast of Mexico. Rotary has also sponsored three water tanks in the Caborca area through Global Grants.








